Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What does dark streaks and ridges on fingernails reflect about your health?

If the dark streaks and fingernail ridges are a reflection of your health, maybe you can do something about it, if caught within time.What does dark streaks and ridges on fingernails reflect about your health?
If you see faint little short streaks that look almost like splinters, that's from a blow to your nail, usually.

Ridges are normal if they are vertical, but horizontal lines and nail ';waviness'; can be from vitamin deficiency or other chemical imbalance in your system. If you have healthcare access, show your nails to a dermatologist and ask him if it indicates any vitamin deficiency. If he shrugs, he's a goofball. Get a 2nd opinion.What does dark streaks and ridges on fingernails reflect about your health?
The most feared signs of nail discoloration, the ones that should move you to seek medical advice, are black streaks, because they are indicative of heart problems or malignant melanoma. Also, Trauma can cause black streaks that tend to run the length of the nail, rather than around the top of the nail bed. A vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause black streaks in the nails. There are a number of people who don't realize just how important vitamin B12 is to our allover health.

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