Thursday, February 11, 2010

What does it mean if you have ridges running length-wise on your fingernails?

';Lengthwise grooves or ridges may indicate a kidney disorder and is associated with aging. An iron deficiency may also cause ridges.';

it also mentions something about stressWhat does it mean if you have ridges running length-wise on your fingernails?
Vertical nail ridges, which run from the cuticle to the tip of the nail, are fairly common. They don't indicate serious illness and typically increase with age. Although their exact cause isn't known, heredity may play a role.

If your fingernails change color or develop horizontal ridges, see your doctor. These changes may indicate an underlying health problem.


Koilonychia is an abnormal shape of the fingernail where the nail has raised ridges and is thin and concave. This disorder is associated with iron deficiency anemia.What does it mean if you have ridges running length-wise on your fingernails?
It means that you are not getting enough sex. it's called MSB or Massive Sperm Buildup.
It can be a nutrition problem, or it could just be your nails, depending on the severity. I've always had ridges and I'm not deficient in anything nutritionally. If you aren't either, but the ridges bother you, buff them. This will lessen the appearance of the ridges.
I was always told it was a vitamin deficiency but I can't recall what vitamin it was.
I'm not sure what you mean by lengthwise. However, here's some information that may help you. Ridges that run up and down (vertically) are a sign of iron deficiency, poor absorption of vitamins and nutrients, overall poor health or kidney trouble. Vertical ridges along with bumpy nails can be a sign of developing arthritis.

Ridges that run horizontally across the nail can be an indication of mental or physical stress.

Nutrition plays a big roll in our nail health. So be certain to eat healthy foods a drink lots of water.

Here is a website that has a tremendous amount of information about nail problems and the signs.

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