Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mid-Ocean Ridges such as the East Pacific Ridge are best described as?

1. Mountains containing folded sedimentary rocks

2. Plateaus containing fossils of present-day marine life

3. Sections of the ocean floor that contain the youngest oceanic


4. Sections of the ocean floor that are the remains of a

submerged continent

If you do find the answer, could you say the answer and give some supporting evidence, thanks!Mid-Ocean Ridges such as the East Pacific Ridge are best described as?
4 is incorrect, the continental plates move, not sink

2 is incorrect, if it was present day, it would not be a fossil would it? it would be remains, and ridge and plateau mean separate things.

1 is likely incorrect, because the ocean floor is youngest at these points because it is created from magma from below pushing outwards, so it is not likely to be sedimentary rock.

3 is likely the correct answer.

Lastly, stop cheating, man up and take your test and show integrity, if you do poorly then stopp boozing it up with your buddies and study harder.Mid-Ocean Ridges such as the East Pacific Ridge are best described as?
Folded sedimentary rocks form only on continents and continental margins and not in oceans.

Ridge/rift systems are not plateaux.

There are sections of the ocean floor which are the remains of submerged continents, like the Falklands Plateau, but they are not at the mid ocean ridge.

The mid ocean ridge is the place where new young oceanic crust is forming, so the answer is 3.
3 is correct. Mid ocean ridges can be describe as a place where two plates of the earths crust move away from each other. This causes a gap which is filled by the magma rising from the earths mantle.. This new magma is cooled by the ocean water and forms new crust.

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